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We have all had the experience of spending long and boring sessions in “safety training classes”.  Visit a typical training class and ask the participants why they are there. Most of the time the reply is, “because I have to be” or “I am required to do this to get this job”. Often the instructor gets in front of the class and reads from a prepared text or from a power point presentation in a monotone that is guaranteed to put the audience to sleep. Much of the subject matter is quoting or reading directly from an OSHA or MSHA regulation book. This training method is traditionally recognized as the best sleeping aid known to man.


Donana International Ltd recognizes that the best method of influencing the workers knowledge and work habits is not to “Preach Safety” to the workers. We believe that the best results come from discussing safety and engaging workers in the teaching process. Other than first time employees, most workers who attend safety classes have a vague idea of the most common rules of safety. Most of the time they are resistant to the rules of safety because of the previous teaching methods that they have encountered in countless safety classes in the past. In many of these classes they were talked “at” instead of talked “with” the instructor. The Donana International Ltd instructor has “been there and done that” and understands their common resistance and confusion in matters of safety.

Donana International Ltd views safety as a joint effort and a learning experience for all parties. We offer the required safety training for all job situations but take this a step farther. We attempt to give the workers the reasoning behind the safety culture and engage them in the process of understanding the personal benefits to them of thinking and acting in a safe manner. We bring in the social and family aspect of acting responsibly and safely. We often invite the worker’s families into safety discussions if possible. Safety becomes a combined venture for all concerned.


Donana International Ltd is authorized, by OSHA, to teach 10 and 30 hour courses in three separate areas of OSHA operations:

1) OSHA General Industry

2) OSHA Construction

3) OSHA Maritime Operations


Donana International Ltd is also authorized, by MSHA, to teach new miners and to instruct annual recertification of miners under parts 46 and 48 of the MSHA act.


In addition to instructing workers and managers in their rights and responsibilities under the labour laws, we can perform site inspections and jobsite hazard analysis to assist the owners or contractors in locating and correcting problems before they become an issue. We can assist projects by assigning our own safety monitors to suit the needs of contractors or owners who do not operate a full time safety department or who are not fully staffed for large projects.